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amthaipaper นสพ แอมไทย นสพ ไทยในสหราชอาณาจักร ติดต่อเราได้ที่ , Line ID: AmthaiUK , Facebook, IG, Twitter: Amthaipaper    

                      Am Thai newspaper will publish some articles in English language and has planned to launch the online monthly news, collective articles and Thai-UK events. Particular emphasis will be given to presenting UK popular culture and attractions to who would like to visit or live in the UK.
Highlight Features as follow:

News & Analysis

UK news highlights
Economics & Social analysis
Big issue analysis
Upcoming events calendar
Thai embassy/ association announcement
Am Thai Star
Restaurant news, Recommended dish
Educational Entertainment e.g. film/drama critics
Fashion: make-up & dress-up
Information Technology
Art & Culture
Learning English
UK Family & domestic law
Educational society


Classified Ad: £5 for everyone
  1. Offering/ Wanting Jobs
  2. Accommodation Offered/ Wanted


Classified Ad: £5 for individual, £25 for business

  1. Buy & Sell
  2. Services
  3. Private/Business Directories



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